
Work in the Swedish mountains

Let your everyday life turn into vacation! In Lofsdalen you have access to the mountains all year round and that way your work and free time will be anything but boring. In the village,everyone is very kind and welcoming so we can work together in a warm environment.

Destination Lofsdalen


Destination Lofsdalen rents out holiday homes, runs the tourist information, reception, bookings, cleaning service, and property management. All profits in the company are used for marketing Lofsdalen. We are 5 people who work full time all year round, but during the winter season, we are more. 

For spontaneous application, please contact: lotta.anestedt(a)lofsdalen.com 



Lofsdalens Ski Facility includes 9 lifts and 25 slopes in the winter season. In Summer we offer a bike park with up to 16 kms track. Moreover, we include renting our cabins, a ski school, ski pass sale, a shop, skirenting, and activities for kids. All together we are up to 60 people working here, 10 of those work all year round. In Summer up to 8 people work at the bike park. We work according to scheduled working hours with a salary according to the agreement. Everybody is employed according to conditions that apply to agreements with the Hotel and Restaurant Employees' Association, the so-called "Tourist Facility Agreement". Appartments for staff are available. 

For spontaneous application, please contact: Jonny.larsson(a)lofsdalen.com 



Vision Lofsdalen is a development project that runs 2020-2022 of almost 11 million that will sharpen Lofsdalen as a tourist destination all year round and promote entrepreneurship and moving to Lofsdalen. For spontaneous application, please contact: visionlofsdalen(a)gmail.com